This is a direct sequel to Centipede on the Atari 2600. Take revenge on the world that wronged you. This game was made during a 2-week game jam so be nice in the comments k thx.
> Hey what's up with [specific bug]? - Look at the title of course it's gonna have bugs in it.
> Why Do I lose at 3 health? - have YOU ever been down to 3 health?
> I love that song it's really cool - thx.
> Do you own the rights to that song? - no.
Fun Bugs Facts:
Centipede comes from Latin "centipeda", combining centi- "hundred" and -peda "foot" (edited)
The actual Latin words are "centum" for hundred and "pedis" for foot
"Despite common misconceptions, centipedes tend not to be particularly massive."
"Centipedes make up over 80% of global shoe sales."
"Contrary to popular belief, centipede soup does not grant mortals with eternal salvation."
"The average centipede yawns for a total of 10 seconds at a time. That is why it is important for centipedes to get no less than eight hours of sleep."
"Aside from having over 100 legs, a fully developed adult centipede also has two fully functional arms. They choose, however, to hide this fact due to embarrassment."
"Despite their name originating from the Latin language, few centipedes speak latin in the modern age"
"got the best fact coming up now , there are centipedes in my garden "
gotta get dinner
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Game didn't run, but I'm sure it was fun.
that was a straight up good time man.
Great 2 weeks of work, CrayonMelon!
Hey, thx for playin, and Thanks for the feedback!
Ye the refresh of the page was a last-second "fix" to stop a bug that crashed the game when going back to the main menu lol. If I had more time I could have probably fixed it but hey it's fine.
Great vid
Indeed, you did make this for a game jam! No need to worry too much as long as there isn't major problems. It is fun and interesting to see what devs come up with for game jam though!